Nezapomenutelné emoce zaručeny
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Video blahopřání z hloubi Afriky
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Jen se podívejte na jejich emoce!)
Dát emoce je snadné
Jezdíte! :)
Jak objednat video pozdrav?
Vyberte si tým a hudbu pro své video za 3 minuty.
Stáhněte si fotografii příjemce a představte si text pozdravu za 4 minuty.
Zaplaťte online a počkejte na video za 2–3 dny.
Svůj dárek můžete svěřit naší zkušenosti:
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Questions & Answers
We send the finished video within 2-3 days, approximately 18:00 - 23:00 UTC+3 (Tanzania).
You can also order an urgent video that will be ready the next day.
We take urgent orders until 22:00 UTC+3 (Tanzania). We take it off the next day as a priority and send it to you immediately.
We take regular orders until 18:00 and pick them up the next day on a first-come, first-served basis: after urgent orders and earlier, regular orders.
By e-mail or any messenger (Telegram, Viber, WhatsApp) in MP4 format
Unfortunately, refunds are not possible as each video is individual.
Only at your request. You will be able to provide this information during the checkout process.